Today is the first day in quite sometime that has the true look and feel of spring. Yesterday was full of gray clouds, wind, and rain, but now it is warm, sunny with occasional big, puffy clouds, and absolutely gorgeous outside!
Now that I have finally talked myself into taking a break from school work, I have decided that this is also the perfect time to post the Oracle Card for today! Card comes from Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook by Colette Baron-Reid.
The Swan Queen- Reversed.
When The Swan Queen comes as a challenger (reversed) it is time to stop doubting your inner voice. Don't let your analytical mind stand in the way and prevent you from seeing the miracles right in front of you.
She also reminds us that we need not fear change. Why fear what is inevitable? Especially when fear does nothing but drain us of our own valuable energy. Holding onto the past only distorts and mangles the natural order of things. Do your best to be gentle with yourself, and, in spite of the fear you may feel, what comes forth will be beautiful. Let this create the shift in your perspective that is needed to truly live in the now and flow with the ever changing rhythm of life.
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